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Monday, July 1, 2013

June Favorites

I'm back! I've been MIA for awhile as the past few weeks have been a littttle crazy. I'm starting a new/old summer job soon (I will fill you in later, but don't get too excited, it's really not that great), and I traveled this weekend to see one of my besties get married! The wedding was fantastic and Nichole looked GORGEOUS. Sighhh. I love weddings. Overall, it was just a great weekend spending time with my boyfriend (we've been together for 6 YEARS on the 3rd!) and celebrating our friends!
But without further ado, my....

{June Favorites}
The Things I've Been Loving All Month Long

Persun: I have been all over online boutiques lately. I love that the internet has made buying unique clothing SO easy! Persun is one of my latest discoveries. They sell everything from a variety of different style clothing, jewelry, handbags, accessories, shoes and even a special site ( especially for special occasion wear.  Ladies, you can even get your wedding dresses there, and they are really reasonably priced (so you could totally have a 3 dress,cocktails and rehearsal...Real housewife style without the gigantic price tag:) ). They also carry a wide variety of formal dresses, which would have made my life SO easy in high school as there so many colors and styles to choose from. I'm really feeling blue this year (actually, my prom dress was minty blue!), so check out some of the gorgeous blue formal dresses they have in stock.They add new things to the sites daily, making the options of cute items endless. Here are some items on my summer wish list:

Persun Wishlist
0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10
0. Slim Fit Chiffon Shirt: This little beauty comes in 3 colors (pink, white and navy) and is so pretty for summer. I love that it's light and sheer and has gorgeous ruffle detailing on the front to add the perfect girly touch.
1. British Straps Pocket Long Sleeves Shirt: I love stripes. This shirt is trendy perfection and would look SO cute paired with florals. Plus, it's the perfect piece to transition all year long.
2. Vintage Style Paillete Skirt: I'm obsessed with this skirt. Sequins and flowers makes for the prettiest summer item. Dress it up or down.
3. Opera Types Of Facial Skull Ring: Persun has a wide variety of fun cocktail rings, and this Dia de Muretos-esque version would be the perfect colorful ring bling for the summertime. 
4. Vintage Style Embroidery Short Jeans: SO cute. The embroidery detailing is so boho chic, and paired with a sweet denim wash, these shorts are something I would be wearing every day. 
5. High Waist Printed Chiffon Dress: A carousel pony printed dress. There are no words. Need this now. 
6. Rivet Golden Alloy Bracelet: Sparkles AND spikes?! Girly meets edgy at it's finest. 
7. Retro Buckled Flap Satchel: A bright bag for summer is a must. This sunshiny yellow option is gorgeous and the style of this bag is perfect. Whats better? It comes in a variety of different color options.
8. Fashion Strawberry Polka Bag: I love the fun polka dot print of this tote bag. It would be the perfect bag to take out shopping or make a nice beach bag to stash your beach necessities. 
9. Cute Lace Half See Through Dress: I am in love with this dress! The color, the see through floral lace, and the cute tea party feel, make for a dress perfect for summer weddings or date night with the boy:) 
10. V-Shape Triangles Pendant Necklace: A pretty necklace that has an edgy feel. I also love the goldy-bronze color and etched detailing.

A Game of Thrones: I finished the first book! It only took a little over a month....but, I finished! I feel like watching the series first helped me to better understand what was happening and helped keep me interested. It definitely had some slow parts, but overall it was an enjoyable read! I gave it a 4/5 on my Goodreads, and while I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series, I think I might take a little break to read a light, fluffy summer read.

Girls: My newest obsession. I blew through both seasons in a matter of days. It's SO good, guys! Girls follows the lives of a group of close knit girls (obvi!) in their early twenties, navigating adulthood in New York City. As I am in that age group, it's ridiculously relatable and entertaining. Once again, as it is HBO, it's pretty adult (mature content). My favorite girl is definitely Shoshanna, for her crazy hair and naive, girly, cray-cray personality. Watch it. You won't regret it:)

Monster's University: Monster's INC is my all time favorite Pixar movie. Therefore when I heard they were making a prequel, I was beyond excited. Monster's University was everything I hoped it would be a more. I got my Mike and Sully fix (seriously, they are the cutest animated characters!) and left with that warm fuzzy feeling a good Disney movie always leaves you with. Plus, the college stereotypes were pretty hilarious. I definitely give it a 9/ was that good. Go see it!

I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles): My boyfriend and I love How I Met Your Mother. One of our favorite episodes involves Marshall and Ted and I'm Gonna Be on repeat (watch the clip before to get the gist). After watching this episode this song has popped up randomly multiple times when we are together. It's ridiculously bizarre. For example, we were listening to it in my car and when we got to his apartment, his roommate was playing it. Weird right?! It's not like it's a new song, and that is only one incident of it popping up when we were together. A sign maybe?! Anyways, while watching Grey's Anatomy, I heard a cover by the band Sleeping At Last. It's utterly perfect.

What were some of your June favorites?


  1. funny video

  2. ^ lol what at that comment

    Ack! Congrats on finishing GOT. I still have 100 pages lol lol I'm pathetic. But it really can be a slow read, but I'm enjoying it so so much! It's a good kind of slow. A savory kind of slow, like a really delicious chewy brownie, but it's a book.


    Online botiques are fabulous and GEEZ you've found so many neat ones!! ASHLEY!! This list is ridiculous and I love and abhor you for posting all these pretty things. Looks like I'll be browsing... and browsing some more... eeeee.

  3. gotta love persunmall! they have such cute items! :D

    <3, Mimi
    Firmoo Giveaway
    OASAP Giveaway

  4. Persun has amazing clothes to offer!! :)
    Have a nice day!


  5. I can't wait to see Monster's University! I loved the first one as well :)

    Jordan | Boho Vanity

  6. Noooo, don't suck me into any more online shopping, my wallet can't handle it! >_<
    But ooooh, I really like that striped blouse...ack!
    Haha, glad to hear your summers going well. Also, good luck with the job. Gotta make the money, right?
    Also, I wanna see Monter's U so bad!! EVERYONE has been saying its awesome. I'll have to add it to my list of movies to watch next

    Trendy Teal

  7. great post!

    you can win some of that stuff ony my blog!


  8. Ooo I love this post!
    1)That cover of i'm gonna be is soo good. hahahahah I love both Ted and Marhsall's cover and Sleeping at Last's cover. (And woohoo can't wait for when HIMYM comes back) And gosh, I think Sleeping at Last is now my new favorite band (or maybe it's just one person?). Seriously, all the songs are so beautiful. Thanks for featuring it on your blog! :)

    2)That polka dot bag from Persun is sooo cute and it looks functional too:)

    3)I definitely need to see Monstors University! LOVED the first one so much. But I have to watch Great Gatsby, Iron Man 3, and Man of Steel first; hahaha i'm so behind on all the movies.

    4)Thank you so much for your advice about college! You're right, it's so important to find what i'm passionate about. I'll explore that in college before I decide on what I want to do:)

  9. I loved Monsters U! I found your blog through Pinterest, and I think you have such a great sense of style! I'm a big fan, so I'm following you now via bloglovin and GFC :)

    Kate @ A Journey in Style

  10. All clothes are incredible and bag too. thanks for sharing this information.
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