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Monday, July 22, 2013

Yeah...I Really Own That: Marsa from The DayLee Journal

It's no surprise that I'm obsessed with Marsa who blogs at The DayLee Journal (you've seen her on my blog here). Not only is she adorable and possibly my best blogging friend (BBF!), but I want to steal her entire wardrobe. She has such an effortless way of putting things together, with a hint of quirky, cool thrown in the mix. Seriously guys, her style is amazing and once you check out her blog you will want to copy just about every outfit, I promise. Also, Marsa and her husband, Jerry, are quite possibly the cutest couple ever ever. She often shares antidotes from their every day life that always have me laughing out loud. Check her blog out here!

With that said, I am so happy to introduce the lovely and ALWAYS adorable Yeah...I Really Own That blogger for July...

Marsa from The DayLee Journal

Sooooo tie-dye shirts. Does anyone even wear them anymore? I don't know about you, but they make me think of summer, hippie, camping, or all three of them combined. They're definitely not the first thing I would pull out when I'm looking for something "trendy." But for some reason, when I found this a few summers ago for a whopping $7 I couldn't resist. And I wanted to find a way to wear it without the typical "beach" or "summer" vibe so this is what I came up with. I know tie-dyes will probably never be the coolest thing to wear, but it's pretty much one of the comfiest shirts I own and I love it. So yeah guys, I really own that.


  1. Yes, I totally know what you mean about loving Marsa, she is thee best! :) I for one could NOT pull off tie-dye, but of course the oh-so-cute Marsa can, and did :) Thanks for the fun post!! I adore your style too!!


  2. I'm a huge fan of the Daylee Journal. Her outfits are always so casual and chic, and very me.

    I haven't worn tie-dye yet, but would love one like hers, which has subtle colors.

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  3. hehehe, oh, tye-dye shirts! I remember we'd make those in school for some kind of school event, like Field Day or for high school pep rallies... thus I do not really have any more of them. But I think the way that you styled it is super cute and un-highschool like, hahaha. If that even makes sense... huh. It's early in the morning.

  4. Joke's on me, I love tie-dye! I used to make my own though, going the homemade route! This post has reminded me that I don't currently own any tie-dye t-shirts, though - I guess they've all been given away at this point. I'll have to remedy that!!


  5. I love her earrings! and that's so cool! you guys are pretty much BFFs and you just met through blogging! cuties :) wish her name was Lee though... then it would've been a double pun *sigh*
    ... and I'm obsessed with tie dyeing, just saying. Haha

  6. Marsa has always this cheerful and postive outlook on life. she seems like a great girl-pal to hang out with! :)

  7. love how Marsa styled the tie-dye shirt. I know the feeling of the stereotype that comes with the print (ironically, I just added a tie-dye pattern scarf to my wardrobe and posted about it!) but I love how Marsa changed it up!

  8. Haha, yay, so glad you got Marsa on here! She's absolutely adorable and I love reading her couple stories - we should come up with a couple name for them like they do for celebrities. ...and right now Merry came to mind and I just started laughing a little too loud in the library. Oops.
    Anyway, great job making that tie dye print look more sophisticated Marsa! Loooooove those glitter ankle boots <3

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  9. great post:) lovely looks
    you have a lovely blog too anyway <3

    This is real and This is me

  10. Hey,
    this top looks lovely! :)

  11. Awww, she's so cute! Thanks for introducing her :) The hat was such a great find, and it works so well in this non beach outfit!

    Mili from call me, Maeby

  12. Love the top! Such a cute, casual outfit.

  13. Lovely look!! simple but cool :)


  14. Cute tye-dye shirt. Love your hat with the look.
