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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Peek of Lace

Sunnies: Anthropologie - similar
Purse: c/o LYDC

Hey guys! I am so sorry I have been so MIA! I spent about a week dealing with technical difficulties including camera, computer AND phone issues. Whoop-de-doo! Why do bad things always come in threes?! Any how, today I am back and hopefully back to regular programing:)

This outfit is my favorite type of thing to wear...comfy and casual. This is my typical Sunday attire for running errands, and I love that I can quickly swap out the jeans (which are already ridiculously comfortable) for leggings for lounging around the house. 

This bralette from Aerie is the epitome of perfection. I love bralette's for the summer time, as they are perfect for light layering, but I love them even more in the winter and fall. I don't know about you, but sometimes wearing a bra feels absolutely restricting. Bralette's allow for comfort and get the job done (well, for those of us like myself who are a part of the itty bitty committee). In the fall and winter when I am wearing huge chunky sweaters, I love wearing a bralette underneath for comfort, and if the bralette is as pretty as this one, a hint of pretty lace adds such a perfect touch of romance. 

This bralette is already my ALL TIME FAVORITE. Since receiving it, I've ordered a few more in different colors as it is just too perfect for lounging and layering! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

$400 Nordstrom Gift Card Giveaway!

I am super excited to be teaming up with Shannon of Upbeat Soles and 25 other amazing bloggers to give away a $400 Nordstrom gift card to help celebrate Shannon's birthday and one year blogiversary! How amazing would it be to win a $400 gift card right before the Holidays?! All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter below, remember the more entries you make the better chance you have to win! This is an international giveaway so everyone can enter! The giveaway will be open until midnight November 19th. Good luck everyone!

Hosted By


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, November 7, 2014

What's In My Makeup Bag?

I am so excited to be teaming up with a few of my favorite blogging ladies, Kate, Jacy, and Grace, to share what is in our makeup bags! 
When it comes to makeup, I typically stick to the basics. My top choices range from higher end items, to drugstore finds. I am currently on the hunt for a new great eyeliner, so if you have any suggestions, let me know! Here are just a few items in my makeup bag that I couldn't live without!
What's In My Makeup Bag?

I am also on the hunt for a new makeup bag! Check out a few I am eyeing below!

Be sure to stop by the other blogs to see what the other girls keep in their makeup bag!
Just Kate
Love, Lenore
Gracefullee Made

Thursday, November 6, 2014

#WIWT Plaid Button Up

 Top: Target
Vest:  Vest: c/o Monica's Closet Essentials - get 10% off with code 'twentiesgirlstyle' at checkout!
Leggings: Pink Blush - I am OBSESSED (they are fleeced-lined and amazing!! I will probably need to stock up on a few pairs for the winter...)
Boots: Hunter

Keeping it short and sweet today! 
I am so sorry I have been MIA, computer AND camera issues hit my photog/sister and me this week, which was pretty unfortunate. Does anybody else notice that when one techy piece breaks, more follow?
Luckily, things are looking up, so I hope to be back to my regular schedule next week! 

Get the Look

Link-up with Jalynn, of The Red Closet Diary, and I for our weekly #WIWT link-up!
We don't really have any rules or guidelines yet, but we would love if you followed us on Bloglovin or another one of our social media sites!