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Monday, February 23, 2015

Currently Obsessed

Although it's still February, I'm currently obsessing over the new spring pieces popping up everywhere. Bright colors and fun details are what have been really drawing me in! Take a peek at a few of the pieces I'm dying to add to my spring wardrobe and shop the post below. I've even added a few clothing pieces I definitely need in my wardrobe ASAP!
Currently Obsessed

1. Kendra Scott Earrings - I want these in every color!
2. Ray Ban Aviators - The rose tint is so fun for spring and summer.
3. Slides - I wore my slides so much last year that when I saw these on Forever 21, I picked up two pairs!
4. Rebecca Minkoff - That fringe though!!
5. Panama Hat - My best friend during the spring and summer!
6. Dolce Vita Open Toed Booties - In love with the color of these booties!
7. Stack Bracelets - Gold and turquoise are my favorite colors to wear!
8. Pom Pom Clutch - This clutch is adorable and would be perfect to take on vacation!


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