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Monday, May 21, 2012

Movie Date

Top: Target
Pants: Bullhead Black (PacSun: find HERE
Shoes: Sperry (Nordstroms: find HERE)
Purse: Nordstroms
Necklace: Forever21

Yesterday I went to see The Avengers with my boyfriend and little brother...andddd I loved it!! It was a chilly spring Sunday, so I opted for some colored skinnys (of course), a lightweight sweater and my favorite necklace. I wore my sperry's to add the perfect springy touch. I LOVE these shoes. They are the most comfortable pair I own! After rummaging through my sisters closet, I found this purse I got a few years back and decided to use it because of it's size so I could sneak candy in of course!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I'm Back!

Top: PacSun 
Neon Skinnys: Target (find Here)
Necklace: Old Navy 
Wristlet: Target 
Shoes: Forever21

Blogging while student teaching didn't really happen....oops! Early mornings, lesson planning, the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) and interacting with adorable kiddos all day was exhausting but an amazing and rewarding experience. I officially wrapped up my student teaching, graduated and moved home (oh goodness....) and now begin the job hunt in the real world.

Photo credit to my amazing sister, Haley....I love living with a prospering young photographer.

Monday, January 30, 2012

School Days

Flannel Dress: Old, Black Cardi: Target, Grey Knit Tights: Target, Necklace: Forever 21, Boots: Nordstroms

Wonderful mirror shots are back!! Yes! I've really got to find a better way to do this. I'm currently residing at my Aunt and Uncles while I student teach as my program would not allow me to do it in my college town or my hometown. Therefore the traveling mirror has returned.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Yes, I have been a very bad blogger lately. But I must admit that my life is anything but fabulous. A day in the life of me consists of getting up at the butt crack of dawn, getting ready while I am half awake, making it to the classroom by 7:30, spending the day with a bunch of wonderful kiddos, home by 4:30ish, dinner, lesson planning and bed by 9:30. Whew. While I love student teaching, life after college is far from the glamour that I imagined.

I'm still alive and I promise to be better...starting this week. Now I'm going to crawl into bed in my favorite fleece PJs (yes, its 6:30 pm) and prep my lessons for tomorrow.