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Friday, May 8, 2015

Embroidered Details

 Confession. I can't get enough of cold shoulder dresses and this hat. That's probably pretty obvious considering yesterday's post featured a pretty similar combo...and cold shoulder dresses and this exact hat have made multiple appearances on the blog recently. Hey, if it works, work it, right?

This dress from Kelly Fields Boutique is EVERYTHING. I am in love with the flowy fabric, cold shoulders (obviously) and the pretty embroidery on the front. I already know I will be practically living in this little number this summer! Bonus? It also comes in blue! I love that photographing it in the sun and shade gave it two totally different feels! From boho to ethereal!

I have been obsessed with Kelly Fields Boutique lately! They carry some of the cutest stuff, and I find I am constantly checking the new arrivals section to see what goodies they have added! Currently crushing? This printed romper, tie-dyed tunic and this navy dress! Seriously! Can these just magically appear in my closet, already??

If you don't already follow me on instagram, @twentiesgirlstyle, you are going to want to! There might just be a little giveaway featuring Kelly Fields Boutique soon! Stay tuned!


  1. Pleasssseeeee stop being so cute, and making me want to buy every outfit you put on your body!!!

  2. Love the look and details on this dress.


  3. love love that clutch!

    xx nikki

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