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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Yeah...I Really Own That: Rory from Wear Abouts

As you probably know, I have a pretty huge blogroll of blogs I check out on the daily. As a blogger, I am constantly lurking the net for new bloggers and styles to obsess over. There are a few bloggers (many of which you have met through my blog), that I have been following since the very beginning. When you check blogs so often and exchange comments back and forth you create bonds over the world wide web and these people become your blogging friends. One of those wonderful ladies who I've been following since the beginning? Miss Rory of Wear Abouts
When I first discovered Rory's blog, I was blown away. This girl is still in high school (senior year!), and ridiculously talented. She's an amazing writer and is always adorably styled. Honestly, I expect this girl to go big places and am so excited to follow her journey through her blog! Rory's style is quirky and cute. She has the perfect way of mixing whimsy and chic that will have you dying to try new and unique combinations that you never would have expected to work. This girl is one of my style icons:) 

With that said, I am so excited to introduce you to the beautiful and talented November Yeah...I Really Own That guest blogger...

Rory from Wear Abouts 
 While there are many specific items I own that may cause my mom, her coworkers, or various other skeptical non-fashion-enlightened old women to judge, I decided to do my own take on the "Yeah I Really Own That" series. I'm not focusing on one piece...rather, I'm focusing on a whole category. 


I own so much crochet that whenever I see crochet at the mall, in any form, I think OMG I WANT THIS....and then I realize...oh wait, I have something pretty much identical. I usually wind up getting it anyway, as you may be able to see from some of the similar shirts I'm showing off in this post. I've got a collection, borderline obsession, with this weird fabric that has holes in it.

And despite my best efforts to offer lots of different outfits in this post, I'd be lying if I told you that this was the most diverse group of crochet pieces I could show you. Because it's not. I've got about at least 5 more crochet-type pieces in some form in my closet--crochet headbands, crochet shoes, a crochet bikini...probably even a tiny crochet vest from my Aeropostale days that I held onto just because I LITERALLY LOVE CROCHET. It's not weird; like I said, it's a collection. That's normal! Normal people collect things! But...maybe by next summer once I've done my annual crochet shopping trip it will be an obsession. Until then, consider me normal, enjoy mycollection and revel with me in the fact that yes, I really do own THAT much crochet.

Thanks for having me Ashley, and Twenties Girl Style readers...check out my blog Wear Abouts if you've got a moment. 


  1. Hahaha, Rory really does own a lot of crochet - seeing it compiled it like this definitely makes it clear. Love the spin you gave on Ashley's feature, Rory! Shows off your summery style perfectly :)

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  2. Hahaha, wow, that's a lot of crochet :D She's a doll!

  3. I love your lace tops...I love wearing lace tops too...mostly in the summer time.RoRo’s World
