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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Fringe and Turquoise

 Top: Forever 21 (runs big, wearing a size XS) // Jeans: Similar // 
Necklace: Bauble Bar (comes in 4 colors!) // Bag: Rebecca Minkoff // Boots: Nordstrom BP 'Trolley' // Sunnies: Ray-Ban 
Forever 21 used to be my spot. In my late high school/early college years I literally bought everything from there. As I got older, I started to realize that that wasn't the best strategy as the pieces tended to be pretty trendy and didn't have the best closet life. Just because they are cheap, doesn't mean you need to spend absolutely all of your shopping budget on it (hello 16 year old me). Of course I didn't completely stop shopping there, I would stop in every once in a while to peruse, but didn't spend too much time and never bought more then a few basic things. 
I have recently re-discovered my love for Forever 21, but age has made me a much wiser F21 shopper. For one, I am no longer adding 10 things at a time to my online cart. This has only resulted in some pretty terrible purchases in the past, including pieces I never even took the tags off of (hello, floral, velvet, body-con, one sleeve dress...yeah, what was I thinking?!). I have started browsing the new arrivals section and thinking about all of the different ways I can wear something before just adding it to my cart. Taking the time to think about pieces, means that I end up with about 3-4 items in my cart that are all pieces I will wear multiple ways. 
This top was one that didn't jump out to me at first. I think it took browsing over it twice for me to really look at it. I fell in love with the fun fringe and slightly boxy, cropped cut. I spent about 3 minutes tops imagining about 5 different ways to wear it and into my cart it went. 

Get the Look


  1. I love the top, it looks so chic and comfortable at the same time. Love the boots and bag, too!


  2. I love the fringe top! Also love forever 21- our store is two stories high and is a bit overwhelming for me actually, it kind of gives me anxiety when I walk in! LOL but I like to order online :) H&M has always been a favorite of mine, too!!

  3. Adorable fringe top. Not fan of jeans. Love purse

  4. I love the fringe top! So cute and perfectly on trend. :)

  5. Love the turquoise accents! So perfect for spring.

  6. Forever 21 is one of my favorite stores because of mix of trendy and classic. I'm not a big online shopper, but I love browsing the racks at Forever 21. I enjoy going shopping with friends because they grab things for me to try on that I may not have otherwise noticed, similar to how your top didn't jump out at you first. I'm glad you ended up going with it, because it looks great on you!

  7. I love your top! Very 60's chic.

  8. Totally with you on the F21 shopping strategy! If only I could tell my 20 year old self these tips you are sharing now!

    How 2 Wear It []

  9. I absolutely adore that top! I love your strategy- I struggle to find a place for super trendy pieces in my closet and use a similar approach when buying clothing out of my comfort zone! I try to think of at least 2 whole outfits using things that I own that I would incorporate the new piece into.

  10. That shirt!!!! I have never shopped on Forever21 online but you may have unleashed a monster!

  11. I've also become a lot wiser about my forever 21 purchases, I try to only buy pieces that I only want for a season or two, because it's so inexpensive I won't be super sad when they go out of style so soon. This top is such a fun statement, totally a fun buy!

  12. OMG!!! Want this top so bad - gorgeous!!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  13. I feel the same way about forever21. Being a wise shopper is key!! I adore the top that you bought. So cute. I absolutely love the entire outfit too. You are beautiful.


  14. This is such a fun outfit and looks like something I'd wear.
    I definitely don't frequent F21 as much as I used to but I do find decent things from time to time like you said.

    xoxo, Jenny

  15. I love this whole outfit and the necklace compliments the entire look. I can't take my eyes off the handbag, though. :)

  16. That top is amazing but I love the whole outfit too! I don't have much luck at Forever 21 when I'm in the store but online is so much easier. Thanks for linking everything you're wearing- super chic!

  17. Loving the fringe, and I was just eyeing that RM bag at Nordstrom a couple of weeks ago! I may have to go back and get it. ;)

  18. Oh same! I realize pretty quick that the quality sometimes are not the best and I do love the accessibility of buying basic stuff from them also they up their game a little bit in term of quality :D

  19. I think you made a great decision buying this top because it looks super cute on you. The way you styled the whole outfit is just perfect. I used to love Forever 21 too and stopped shopping at it for a while do to its trendyness. But recently I have figured out you can buy classic pieces that can be a staple in your closet.

  20. I feel like I NEED this top...but maybe i should lose weight first. but i still need it.

    The Fashionista's Diary







